Saturday, December 31, 2011

?I want to win Iowa,? Romney says, and his weekend schedule proves it (The Ticket)

Romney in Cedar Falls, Iowa (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

MASON CITY, Iowa--If there was any mystery about whether Mitt Romney is competing to win in Iowa, it's been ended by the candidate's schedule in the coming days.

The former Massachusetts governor, who is set to wrap up a bus tour of the state with a rally tonight in Ames, heads to New Hampshire Friday but will return to Iowa a little more than 24 hours later. Between Saturday and Tuesday, Romney will hold nine campaign events across the state before finishing with a caucus night rally in Des Moines.

At a town hall here on Thursday, a voter told Romney some people are skeptical about his bid for the Republican presidential nomination because the candidate hasn't competed here as heavily as he did four years ago.

"I want to win Iowa, " Romney insisted. "Everybody does."

At one point, an eight-year-old boy asked Romney, "Is it hard running for president?"

Romney grinned.?"Yes and no," he laughed. "Sorry. That sounds like a politician. I apologize."

He touched on the grind of political life: "It's hard in terms of getting up early in the morning, sleeping in a strange bed almost every night, one hotel after the other ? And sometimes you don't sleep so well."

The night before last, Romney said, he awoke throughout the night because trucks kept honking at his campaign bus, which was parked in a hotel parking lot near a major interstate.

"But the best part of campaigning is doing what I am doing now: it's meeting people across the country and making friends," Romney said. "The measure of a person's life is not how much stuff they have. It's how many people they love; how many friends they have."

He called running for president "the greatest opportunity" he's had.

"So if you get the chance to do it," he said, "make sure and do it. Win or lose, it's a good thing to do."

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U.S. steps up sanctions; Iran floats nuclear talks

President Barack Obama signed new sanctions against Iran into law on Saturday, shortly after Iran signaled it was ready for fresh talks with the West on its nuclear program and said it had delayed long-range missile tests in the Gulf.

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Tensions between Iran and the West have grown since EU leaders said they wanted to set tougher sanctions against Tehran by the end of next month in a bid to force it to curb a research program that they suspect is developing nuclear weapons.

In the absence of a fresh mandate from the U.N. Security Council, which has already imposed four rounds of global sanctions, Washington has also stepped up the pressure with sanctions on financial institutions that deal with Iran's central bank.

The defense funding bill, approved by Congress last week, aims to reduce the oil revenues that make up the bulk of Iran's export earnings. Obama signed it in Hawaii, where he was spending the Christmas holiday.

If enforced strictly, the sanctions could make it nearly impossible for most refiners to buy crude from Iran, the world's fourth biggest producer.

However, Obama asked for scope to apply the measures flexibly, and will have discretion to waive penalties. Senior U.S. officials said Washington was consulting foreign partners to ensure the new measures did not harm global energy markets.

Iran makes threats
Iran responded to the growing pressure by warning this week that it could shut the Strait of Hormuz if sanctions were imposed on its oil exports. It launched 10 days of naval wargames in the Gulf as a show of strength, further rattling oil markets and pushing up the price of crude.

In the past, Iran has threatened to close the waterway only if attacked by the United States and Israel.

Story: US Navy warns Iran: Hormuz disruption 'will not be tolerated'

The U.S. Fifth Fleet, based in Bahrain, said it would not allow shipping to be disrupted in a waterway through which 40 percent of the world's oil passes.

Analysts say that Iran is playing for time and that its increasingly strident rhetoric shows its clerical leadership is concerned about even harsher penalties.

Against this backdrop, Iran's state media reported early on Saturday that long-range missiles had been launched during the naval exercises.

But Deputy Navy Commander Mahmoud Mousavi later went on the English language Press TV channel to deny they had in fact been fired: "The exercise of launching missiles will be carried out in the coming days."

Separately, Iranian media reported that nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili would write to the EU foreign policy chief to say Iran was ready for fresh talks on its nuclear program, which it says is aimed exclusively at power generation.

"Jalili will soon send a letter to Catherine Ashton over the format of negotiations ... then fresh talks will take place with major powers," the semi-official Mehr news agency quoted Iran's ambassador to Germany, Alireza Sheikh Attar, as saying.

Negotiations between Iran and the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council - the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France - plus Germany (P5+1) stalled in January.

Ashton, leading the European negotiators, wrote to Jalili in October and has not yet had a reply, her spokesman Michael Mann said. But the bloc was open to meaningful talks with Tehran:

"We continue to pursue our twin-track approach and are open for meaningful discussions on confidence-building measures, without preconditions from the Iranian side."

A U.S. administration official added: "We have indicated for years that we are willing to engage in talks with Iran, provided it is ready to engage in a meaningful and constructive fashion." Senior officials said the sanctions did not alter this policy.

Iran tracks US aircraft carrier amid tension

Iranian analyst Hamid Farahvashian said Tehran was seeking to send a message to the West that it should think twice about the economic cost of putting pressure on Iran.

"The Iranians have always used this method of carrot and stick ... first they used the stick of closing Hormuz and now the carrot is their willingness for talks," said Farahvashian.

Iran worries
Talks between Iran and the P5+1 have been stalled for a year and Malcolm Chalmers, Research Director at the Royal United Services Institute think tank in London, said Europe would be skeptical about the offer.

"EU countries will be wary of yet another attempt by Iran to play for time, seeking to postpone sanctions simply because talks have resumed," he said.

"So Iran will have to offer significant concessions even to get a conversation started on slowing the implementation of sanctions. And, all the time, the Europeans are aware of the growing war talk in Washington, where the pressure on (U.S. President Barack) Obama to launch an 'October surprise' to clinch the (U.S. presidential) election seems to be growing."

The United States and Israel have not ruled out a military option if diplomacy fails to resolve the nuclear dispute.

A senior Western diplomat in Tehran, who asked not to be named, said the fact that the Iranians were stepping up their threats "shows that they are worried about losing petrodollars, on which more than 60 percent of the economy depends."

The Iranian threat briefly pushed benchmark Brent crude up by more than a dollar to over $109 a barrel this week.

Oil Minister Rostam Qasemi told Saturday's weekly Aseman that further sanctions would push oil over $200 a barrel.

Sanctions take toll
Chalmers said sanctions were most effective in influencing behavior when they were imminent and credible but not yet in place as, once in place, they were hard to lift, short of a comprehensive conflict resolution.

"The Iranians know this, and are seriously worried by the prospect of an EU oil embargo, especially as it could be followed by action by the U.S.'s close Asian allies," he said.

"They could then be left at the mercy of China and India, who are likely to demand big price discounts in order to shift purchases from Arab countries, who will not be happy, to Iran."

The rising tensions are having an impact at home. Iran's currency has nosedived in recent weeks as ordinary Iranians have moved money from savings accounts into gold or foreign currency.

The price of staple foods has increased by up to 40 percent in recent months and many critics have put the blame on increasing isolation brought about by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's economic and foreign policies.

Iran's massive media coverage of the naval maneuvers appeared an attempt by the authorities to strike a patriotic chord among ordinary Iranians worried about a military strike.

"I have already witnessed a war with Iraq in the 1980s ... I can hear the drumbeat of war," said merchant Mohsen Sanaie, 62, glancing over newspaper headlines at a central Tehran newsstand. "One stray bullet could spark a war."

Copyright 2011 Thomson Reuters. Click for restrictions.


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Futures bets show Romney heavy Republican favorite (Reuters)

(Reuters) ? Opinion polls come and go, but for those with money on the line Mitt Romney is now a heavy favorite to win the 2012 Republican presidential nomination and go on to challenge President Barack Obama.

Two electronic markets that allow wagering on real-world events have the former Massachusetts governor well ahead, days before the first votes are tallied in a months-long series of state elections to pick the Republican nominee.

The Iowa Electronic Markets, or IEM, on Friday showed a bid for Romney to win the nomination at 0.779 and an offer at 0.790, meaning expectations for his victory are 78.3 percent, against about 51 percent at the start of December.

IEM has been operated by the University of Iowa since 1988, chiefly as an educational and research project. Real money is on the line, albeit not exactly at Las Vegas, or Wall Street, levels. Trading accounts can be opened for $5 to $500.

Romney's closest Republican challenger is currently "none of the above," at 8.2 percent, followed by Texas Representative Ron Paul and former U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Newt Gingrich in the 6 percent range.

Intrade, a Dublin-based prediction market, shows Romney with a 77.4 percent chance of capturing the Republican nomination, a new high in the current election cycle.

The exchange offers contracts on various current events, from Obama's approval rating to who will Herman Cain endorse in the Republican race, to which film will win this year's Academy Award for best picture (hint: "The Artist").


Both exchanges provide real-time snapshots of which candidates are gaining or losing ground, without the built-in biases and randomness of opinion polls.

For Iowa, current prices suggest that Tuesday's caucuses are still too close to call, but with Paul favored for a strong showing, and Romney gaining momentum.

On IEM, Romney's chances of finishing in the top two in Iowa had fallen to 30 percent in mid-December from 87 percent a month earlier. As of Friday, though, betters predict Paul and Romney will finish one-two in Iowa, not necessarily in that order.

Bets on Iowa at Intrade have fluctuated, but now show Romney with a 46 percent chance to win against Paul's 38 percent. Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum has rallied to a 12.8 percent chance of winning, from just 2 percent a few days ago.

Intrade also reflects the current sentiment among political pundits that a surprise win in Iowa could energize the Romney campaign and set up an early knockout.

It shows a 33 percent chance that Romney will sweep the first five Republican nominating contests - Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Florida and Nevada - against about a 12 percent chance at the start of December.

(Editing by Mohammad Zargham)


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Indiana baby-sitter charged with murder of 9-year-old (Reuters)

INDIANAPOLIS (Reuters) ? Prosecutors charged a baby-sitter on Friday with murder and two other felonies in the grisly murder and dismembering of a 9-year-old Indiana girl.

Michael Plumadore, 39, faces 45 to 65 years in prison on the charge of murdering Aliahna Maroney-Lemmon, Allen County prosecutors said. He faces two other felony charges for abusing her body and moving it from the scene of a crime.

Plumadore is being held without bond in Allen County Jail and did not appear in court on Friday. He is scheduled to appear January 4 at an initial hearing in Allen Superior Court.

A neighbor and friend of the family, Plumadore was baby-sitting Aliahna and her two sisters last week near Fort Wayne when she was reported missing.

Plumadore was arrested on Monday after he confessed to killing Aliahna. He also confessed to dismembering her body with a hacksaw, dumping most of her in nearby trash and stashing her head, hands and feet in his freezer, according to court documents.

Officials in Indiana have not yet said what Plumadore's motive may have been for killing the girl.

Plumadore evaded a Florida-issued arrest warrant issued on a separate charge in 2000 for more than 11 years.

Plumadore had been given felony probation after he was charged with battery of a first-responder, which could mean a police officer, firefighter or emergency medical technician, but did not meet with his probation officer, complete his community service requirements or anger management.

Prosecutors said the investigation was continuing and the charges filed on Friday did not preclude additional charges in the future.

(Writing by David Bailey; Editing by Greg McCune)


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Leaked Twitter Subpoena Raises Online Privacy Issues (Mashable)

The leaked subpoena sent to Twitter this month by the Suffolk District Attorney's Office in Boston is causing some hoopla on the web and raising the issue of law enforcement's access to online personal data. On Dec. 14, the D.A.'s Office issued a subpoena to Twitter in order to access the account information of two users who tweeted a list of personal information they allegedly obtained by hacking into the Boston Police Patrolmens' Association. The hackers stole identifying information and Tweeted it to followers. The subpoena requests "available subscriber information, for the account or accounts associated with the following information, including IP address logs for account creation."

[More from Mashable: Twitter 2012: Bigger and More Ads]

In the subpoena, assistant D.A. Benjamin A. Goldberger requests that the investigation be kept from the Twitter users as to not impede the ongoing probe. But the information was leaked. We reached out to Twitter for comment, but have yet to hear back.

On Dec. 23 one of the accounts under investigation, @p0isAn0N Tweeted, "Haha. Boston PD submitted to Twitter for my information. Lololol? For what? Posting info pulled from public domains? #comeatmebro."

[More from Mashable: Today?s Top Stories: GoDaddy Woes, Twitter Lawsuit, No-Glasses 3D]

The D.A.'s office requested details of two Twitter users and also listed the name Guido Fawkes, which is the name but not handle listed for one of the accounts under investigation, as well as the hashtags #BostonPD and #d0xcak3.

One of the accounts being probed is listed in the subpoena as @OccupyBoston, however that account appears to be inactive. It's likely they meant @Occupy_Boston, which Tweets about the occupy movement. Targeting this account has lead some to speculate that the police are monitoring the online activity of occupy protestors.

Twitter's website contains an information section for law enforcement. It states that if a subpoena is issued for a user's information, the company will inform that user before they hand the information to the authorities, unless it is prevented from doing so by court order or statute. According to its site, Twitter was following protocol by informing the user of the subpoena, and, perhaps later providing that user's information to the Boston D.A. This isn't the first time Twitter has been reluctant to hand-over user information to law enforcement.

It's possible Twitter does host some personal information about the owners of the accounts who tweeted the hacked materials. At the very least, it might have IP addresses. However, Twitter doesn't verify identities or email addresses of its users, so using Twitter for detective work might be more harmful than helpful to an investigation, especially if the subpoena is leaked. We contacted the Boston District Attorney's Office and are waiting for a reply.

Do you think Twitter should surrender user information for hackers? Please tell us in the comments.

Image courtesy of Flickr, eldh

This story originally published on Mashable here.


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Friday, December 30, 2011

Greek abbot jailed over land swap scandal (AP)

ATHENS, Greece ? Greek authorities on Wednesday jailed the abbot of a 1,000-year-old Greek Orthodox monastery pending trial for his alleged key role in a land swap with the state that blew up into a major political scandal.

Investigators have said the deal was weighted in favor of Vatopedi Monastery in northern Greece and cost taxpayers about euro100 million ($131 million). Two ministers lost their jobs over the swap, which the conservative government canceled, but legal issues have delayed the full restitution.

The scandal nonetheless contributed significantly to the conservatives' 2009 general election defeat.

Abbot Efraim, 55, was led to Athens' Korydallos prison after spending the night in the capital's police headquarters, following a 600-kilometer (370-mile) journey from the Orthodox monastic sanctuary of Mount Athos ? from which women and female animals have been banned since 1046.

A few dozen supporters shouted slogans outside the prison.

Efraim had been kept under guard in his monastery cell since Saturday, having been temporarily judged unfit to travel due to a high fever and a high blood sugar count. He will stand trial on charges of embezzlement, money laundering and making a false statement.

Fellow Christian Orthodox Russia waded into the fray on Wednesday, with the country's Foreign Ministry criticizing the decision to jail Efraim.

"Bearing in mind the statement by Abbot Efraim of his willingness to cooperate with investigative organs and the condition of his health, we are deeply concerned by the decision of the Greek judicial organs to keep him in custody pending trial, which doesn't take into account the rulings and recommendations of the European Court of Human Rights," ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said in a statement.

The abbot had escorted a Christian relic from the monastery's collection to Russia in October, which millions of faithful in 15 Russian cities lined up to view. In Moscow, the queue to see the belt purportedly worn by the Virgin Mary stretched for 2.5 miles (4 kilometers), and the wait was as long as 24 hours.

Greece's Foreign Ministry rejected the criticism.

"Greece is a country ruled by the law that has a long democratic tradition and respect for human rights, where there is full respect for the independence of justice and a clear separation of powers," ministry spokesman Grigoris Delavekouras said. "On these issues, Greece accepts no indications on how to act."

On Tuesday night, several hundred monks, nuns and other demonstrators gathered outside a central court building to protest Efraim's arrest.

No trial date has been set, and the abbot's lawyers are expected to apply for his release. Under Greek law, suspects can be jailed for up to 18 months pending trial.

Greek politicians embroiled in the scandal will not stand trial, as parliament ruled this year that the statute of limitations ? which is far more restrictive for members of parliament than for other citizens ? had expired.

Vatopedi Monastery is a treasure hove of mediaeval artifacts and books. It has attracted large numbers of male guests, including Britain's Prince Charles, who is a frequent visitor to Mount Athos.


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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Oil Tops $100 Again As Iran Takes Bold Steps To ... - Business Insider

Crude oil is rallying today following news that Iran would cut oil transport through the Strait of Hormuz if sanctions against oil exports are enforced.

The fossil fuel is up nearly 1% in morning trading, standing at $101.10 per barrel. Crude oil neared $115 earlier this year, before retreating some 30% this fall. However, after touching lows in October, energy prices have continued to mount heading into the final stretch of 2011.

Oil servicers and drillers are moving moderately on the news, most trading slightly lower:

  • Halliburton Company?(NYSE: HAL): Up 1.4% to $34.24
  • Nabors Industries?(NYSE: NBR): Down 0.5% to $18.15
  • National-Oilwell Varco (NYSE: NOV): Down 0.1% to $68.42

Take a look at the recent increases in crude today:


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Sir, Your Perfectly Legal Plants Smell Like Marijuana - Hit & Run ...

A few weeks ago, I noted the remarkably keen sense of smell exhibited by Pinellas County, Florida,?sheriff's deputies, who claimed they could tell, standing outside the homes of people who had purchased hydroponic gardening equipment, which ones had marijuana plants inside, simply by following their noses. But the St. Peterburg Times reports that?the deputies' olfactory perceptions are not always accurate:

According to a Sheriff's Office report, detectives saw [Shane] Metler's car at Simply Hydroponics [a Largo store monitored by a surveillance camera] on Dec. 18, 2010. On the evening of July 7, two detectives and a deputy knocked on Metler's door.

He said the detectives told him they had gotten complaints from his neighbors about cars coming and going, and they had detected the smell of growing marijuana coming from his home, both charges he vehemently denies.

Metler, 35, allowed them to search the house he shares with his girlfriend. They did not find any marijuana or pot plants, but did find a soil-free hydroponic system being used to grow legal plants, according to their notes.

"I have to admit, it really shook us up," Metler said. "So, for the next four hours, we were pacing around the house and just bewildered, shocked. It really was disrupting."

Metler said he consented to the search because he knew he wasn't doing anything illegal.

But, he said, the visit put him in a "lose-lose situation, where I either look guilty or give up my rights as a citizen."

Another customer of Simply Hydroponics, Jeremy Harris, was visited by a dozen or so deputies who claimed to be acting on an anonymous tip. He consented to the search, which turned up nothing illegal. He told the Times:

They looked like full SWAT. They've got the vests and assault rifles. It just seemed like an awful excessive amount of force for somebody that is maybe just growing marijuana on the property. They showed up with enough force to deal with a drug cartel....

It doesn't seem right for them to be watching a business and then harassing the customers, basically just for shopping at that business.

The paper identified 34 such "knock and talk" searches by the sheriff's office between January 1, 2010, and September 15, 2011, 12 of which "found no marijuana and no marijuana plants."

Back in the early 1990s, when the Drug Enforcement Administration was carrying out searches like these under Operation Green Merchant, I asked a spokesman how often they came up empty. He said the DEA did not keep track of that figure and professed surprise at the idea that anyone would want to know.

Lest you think that attitude is limited to law enforcement officials, note that Jeremy Harris' mother, with whom he lives, did not share his negative reaction to the search of their home:

"I don't feel they violated my rights. They asked to search and I gave them permission," Nancy Harris said.

Harris said she was "happy" detectives searched her home because it showed dedication to fighting drug use and sale, an effort she supports.

Harris also said she felt the deputies acted professionally, taking special care not to disturb her three grandchildren.

"They didn't scare the children. They didn't disturb the children. They were very polite, and apologetic afterward," she said.

[Thanks to Richard Cowan for the tip.]


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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Nigerians fear more church attacks after 39 killed (AP)

MADALLA, Nigeria ? Women returned to clean the blood from St. Theresa Catholic Church on Monday and one man wept uncontrollably amid its debris as a Nigerian Christian association demanded protection for its churches.

At least 35 people died at St. Theresa and dozens more were wounded as radical Muslim militants launched coordinated attacks across Africa's most populous nation within hours of one another. Four more people were killed in other violence blamed on the group known as Boko Haram.

Crowds gathered among the burned-out cars in the church's dirt parking lot Monday, angry over the attack and fearful that the group will target more of their places of worship.

It was the second year in a row that the extremists seeking to install Islamic Shariah law across the country of 160 million staged such attacks. Last year, a series of bombings on Christmas Eve killed 32 people in Nigeria.

Rev. Father Christopher Jataudarde told The Associated Press that Sunday's blast happened as church officials gave parishioners white powder as part of a tradition celebrating the birth of Christ. Some already had left the church at the time of the bombing, causing the massive casualties.

In the ensuing chaos, a mortally wounded man had cradled his wounded stomach and begged a priest for religious atonement. "Father, pray for me. I will not survive," he said.

At least 52 people were wounded in the blast, said Slaku Luguard, a coordinator with Nigeria's National Emergency Management Agency. Victims filled the cement floors of a nearby government hospital, some crying in pools of their own blood.

Pope Benedict XVI denounced the bombing at his post-Christmas blessing Monday, urging people to pray for the victims and Nigeria's Christian community.

"In this moment, I want to repeat once again with force: Violence is a path that leads only to pain, destruction and death. Respect, reconciliation and love are the only path to peace," he said.

The U.N. Security Council condemned the attacks "in the strongest terms" and called for the perpetrators, organizers, financiers and sponsors "of these reprehensible acts" to be brought to justice.

The African Union also condemned the attacks and pledged to support Nigeria in its fight against terrorism.

"Boko Haram's continued acts of terror and cruelty and absolute disregard for human life cannot be justified by any religion or faith," said a statement attributed to AU commission chairman Jean Ping.

On Sunday, a bomb also exploded amid gunfire in the central Nigeria city of Jos and a suicide car bomber attacked the military in the nation's northeast. Three people died in those assaults.

After the bombings, a Boko Haram spokesman using the nom de guerre Abul-Qaqa claimed responsibility for the attacks in an interview with The Daily Trust, the newspaper of record across Nigeria's Muslim north. The sect has used the newspaper in the past to communicate with public.

"There will never be peace until our demands are met," the newspaper quoted the spokesman as saying. "We want all our brothers who have been incarcerated to be released; we want full implementation of the Sharia system and we want democracy and the constitution to be suspended."

Boko Haram has carried out increasingly sophisticated and bloody attacks in its campaign to implement strict Shariah law across Nigeria. The group, whose name means "Western education is sacrilege" in the local Hausa language, is responsible for at least 504 killings this year alone, according to an Associated Press count.

Last year, a series of Christmas Eve bombings in Jos claimed by the militants left at least 32 dead and 74 wounded. The group also claimed responsibility for the Aug. 26 bombing of the United Nations headquarters in Nigeria's capital Abuja that killed 24 people and wounded 116 others.

While initially targeting enemies via hit-and-run assassinations from the back of motorbikes after the 2009 riot, violence by Boko Haram now has a new sophistication and apparent planning that includes high-profile attacks with greater casualties.

That has fueled speculation about the group's ties as it has splintered into at least three different factions, diplomats and security sources say. They say the more extreme wing of the sect maintains contact with terror groups in North Africa and Somalia.

Targeting Boko Haram has remained difficult, as sect members are scattered throughout northern Nigeria and the nearby countries of Cameroon, Chad and Niger.

Analysts say political considerations also likely play a part in the country's thus-far muted response: President Goodluck Jonathan, a Christian from the south, may be hesitant to use force in the nation's predominantly Muslim north.

Speaking late Sunday at a prayer service, Jonathan described the bombing as an "ugly incident."

"There is no reason for these kind of dastardly acts," the president said in a ceremony aired by the state-run Nigerian Television Authority. "It's one of the burdens as a nation we have to carry. We believe it will not last forever."

However, others don't remain as sure as the president. The northern state section of the powerful Christian Association of Nigeria issued a statement late Monday night demanding government protection for its churches, warning that "the situation may degenerate to a religious war."

"We shall henceforth in the midst of these provocations and wanton destruction of innocent lives and property be compelled to make our own efforts and arrangements to protect the lives of innocent Christians and peace loving citizens of this country," the statement read.

"We are therefore calling on all Christians to be law abiding but defend themselves whenever the need arises."


Jon Gambrell reported from Lagos, Nigeria and can be reached at


Associated Press writers Ibrahim Garba in Kano, Nigeria and Bashir Adigun in Abuja, Nigeria contributed to this report.


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Cancer Drugs Help Combat Antibiotic Resistance: Study

The study, led by Gerry Wright, scientific director of the Michael G. DeGroote Institute for Infectious Disease Research at McMaster University revealed that certain proteins that cause antibiotic resistance are structurally related to proteins vital in cancer.

"Our study found that certain proteins, called kinases, that confer antibiotic resistance are structurally related to proteins important in cancer," said Wright.

"The pharmaceutical sector has made a big investment in targeting these proteins, so there are a lot of compounds and drugs out there that, although they were designed to overcome cancer, they can in fact be looked at with fresh eyes and maybe repurposed to address the problem of antibiotic resistance," he noted.

The large-scale study involved screening 14 antibiotic resistant molecules against 80 chemically diverse protein kinase inhibitors.

Antibiotic resistance is a problem growing in global scope, as more viruses have overcome currently available antibiotics.

"As a result, new drugs and antibiotic strategies are urgently needed to fill the gap in infectious disease control," Wright stated.

Wright also said that he hopes future studies in combination therapies will provide new insight into antibiotic resistance.

"One of the challenges facing the drug discovery community is the lack of new chemical scaffolds with antibiotic activity," he said.

"This has led to the open question of whether all easily implementable antibiotic chemical scaffolds have already been exploited over the last 50 years: the so-called ''low hanging fruit''," he added.

The study has been published in Chemistry and Biology.



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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Gods; A New Age

Gods; A New Age

This is the IC for the Gods; A New Age. Only accepted RPers are allowed to post here.

Jack, Avatar of Mask. Gela, Avuvian Territory

?Stick with me, and you may live another day,? Jack said ominously as the men stared at the light that penetrated the holes in the thick wooden gate. Twenty men, two men chained together, one wielding a sword, the other a small brass shield; every single one of them a slave for the Gladiatorial Arena of Gela. They would live to entertain the Avuvians as Maskmen would fight Maskmen, orcs, Drows, hell, they?d even make them fight the Ogre Jack had seen chained in the Salve Pits.

Jack quickly checked that his black veil still covered his face and then returned to breathing calmly. The sound of battle beyond the gates were clear as metal struck metal and the sound of grunts and cries of pain was drowned by the thunderous cheers of the spectators. Jack didn?t see it was cruel, he would have done the same if he had gotten the idea, alas he hadn?t.

?Listen up you worthless maggots!? Their master called as he stood up on a box to get a better view over his newly bought salves. ?Even free, no of you would be worth the honor and entertaining the Avuvians beyond these gates. So if you?re going to die, you bloody well make sure that they will walk away from here with a smile on their face.?
He scanned the crowd for anyone to object or speak against him, but they all knew better than to raise their voice against someone who spend silver as easily as he drank water. ?Give up your religion?Your God won?t hear you here. You have one common God now, and that?s me! Worship me like you would worship any other God, for I hold the wish of life and death. That is, if you live through this match at all.?
With that said their master got down from the box and left them to be ready for the gates to open. Jack spent the time coiling the chains around his arm, that way hi partner wouldn?t run away from him.

The gates soared opened, the light temporarily blinding the gladiators as they ran out to face their opponents. Blood flew through the air as the head of one gladiator was smashed by an Orc?s mace, his partner soon dragged off by the orc to be eaten alive, a second pair charged a triton armed gladiator, the shield carrier sacrificed himself for the swordman to jump in and stab the man through his rips.

Jack pushed his own shield carrier into an opponent, knocking him off balance long enough for him to step in and slash his throat wide open. ?Get up and arm yourself with his damn sword!? Jack cursed at his partner, dragging him back onto his feet.

The poorly armed slaves were poor opponents for their better trained and armed opponents. The battle had barely lasted seven minutes and already half of the pairs had been cut to pieces, leaving only the battle-hardened Maskmen left to face them.

?To me!? Jack called, rallying the nearby Maskmen to gang up against three big shielded gladiators. ?Flank them, right, left! You, with me!? Jack ordered jumping forward with another pair, baiting the central gladiator out of the group. Jack got too close and was punched in his face, send face-first to the ground but before the man could deliver the killing blow, a sword found its way into his bare back. The last man was made short work off as a chain was wrapped around his neck and his windpipe broke under the pressure.

A scream was heard to Jack?s side and he spun around to find his parter decapitated by an orc. ?You bloody cu-? Jack cursed, rolling away from its sweeping axe, but he only evaded it by a small margin. The chains on his arm and the dead body were restricting him from any movement; he chopped the wrist of his dead partner, feeing himself.
He backed away, rejoining his other Maskmen as they stood face to face with the last orc gladiators. The Maskmen cursed, they knew they would be little of a challenge against orcs when it came to strength and fight for survival, ?We?re dead!? one of the men called, but Jack shot him a venomous look.
?They smell your fear,? he hissed. ?We may not be strong, but we?re faster, and think brighter. You are a Maskman, damn it, use your head!? Jack yelled, then ducked as an orc swung its sword out after his head.

Stabbing the orc in its stomach, he screamed in pain as the orc produced a rusty knife and stabbed him in his shoulder. Kicking the monster in its groin, he elbowed it square in the jaw, sending it wheeling down on the ground where he soon wrapped his chains around its throat and squeezed the life out of it. The last two orcs, outnumbers and cornered against the wall roared their last defiance to death as they fought the last Maskmen, dragging four with them in death.

Jack stood up, for a moment he couldn?t hear the applause of the crowd, and looked about those Maskmen who had survived all sighed in relief. They would life?For now.

Jim Mobley, & Baile Snowsong. Heckclown City

?Last time I check my invitation, I did not read anything about ?Unorthodoxy Trade Method? my dear Pirate Lord Snowson,? Jim Mobley said calmly.
The air was tense as the members of the Shadow Council looked to and fro as words were exchanged between the two Gang Lords. Assassin Guild Masters, Drug Lords and Mercenary Warlords made up the Shadow Counil, and which in turn determined all the decisions of the Heckclown Union.
Yet such a council was never without its friction and rivalries, especially when money, land and power was involved, and such complications was only worsened when every man present was a man of Mask.

?You sell slaves to the Avuvians, you use the catacomps of Crypt as lairs for your drugs, and you trade with the orcs. You, ser, are asking for more trouble than the Union can afford,? Baile Snowsong accused, slamming his hand down on the table. ?We will face war if this goes on. We already suffer from trade embargoes from the Avuvian and every Ulmo-loving bastard, but now you will go as far as to offend the neutral kingdoms as well!?
Muttering of agreement and disapproval was heard along the long-table and all eyes turned to Jim Mobley. ?I?m surprised that you are concerned about war when it is you, and your pirates that has been harassing the trade routes of Ulmo?s worshippers for decades. Tell me, Lord Baile, is it your Dark Elven nature or is it your hypocrisy which differs you from me??

?Why you!-? Baile spat and drew his weapon. A move rarely done at the Shadow Council; every member flew to their feet, guns, swords and crossbows pointed at one another. ?C?mon then! Lets settle this, right here and right now!? Baile challeneged.
?And risk civil war? You?re insane!? A warlord cried and turned his pistol from Mobley to Baile.
?Gentlemen,? Mobley? silk-like voice said. ?How about we treturn to our civilized manners of solving such problems?? Eyes were shifted and one by one the men nodded and returned their weapon, and seated themselves once again.

?Baile has a point, however. If you continue pressing your trade as you have, you?ll find the undead soldiers of Crypt crawling out your arse before you can find an alternative. No one touches their priests, but to defile their graveyards and crypts is to ask for the wrath of Crypt himself.? The men nodded in agreement, remembering that the Union had once insulted the people of Crypt badly enough to spark a war. Although they won, their economy was badly scarred, and they had never pressed the worshipers of Crypt again.

?Whatever the case may be here, Jim, you better stop using the Temples of Crypt as Drug Stroages, or I?ll see your business chocked, understood?? Charles Gripper, an influential Black Market Merchant, warned. ?As for you, Baile, you better start choosing which ship to raid. We can?t afford a war with the Avuvian Confederation. Move to vote for this decision.? The vast majority of the dozen men present raised their hands in agreement and the feud was left at that.

The Heckclown Union was divided by gangs and tribal-like behavior, but when the Shadow Council voted for something it was followed. No one could stand up against the power of the Council; it was made up of the most wealthy merchants, powerful warlords and men of social influence. Go against those men, and you?d be better off swimming against the current of a waterfall; they controlled the Union and they controlled each other. Manipulation and economic ties forced each and every man to endure each other as they would sit present at the table.
The only man who wasn?t a part of the Council was Baron Karl von Sneiker. He didn?t care for power-bickering, he had his fort and contempt on staying put there, training and protecting the borders. He was respected and feared for his abilities as a general and for his influence; did he wish it, he could choke half other Union into submission as every caravan passed through his near bandit-free lands, and he rarely demanded toll for the grain from the people of Hallow.

Karl has always been hard to influence. Jim had learned that the hard way, and still bore scars from their first meeting, so he remained one of the few independent warlords, free of debt and reliance to others.

Sir Daniel Fortesque & Sammuel ?Kain? Volkmar. Road to Hedes

?The wards here are fading, have them fixed,? Sir Daniel Fortesque ordered as he pointed on the road where a wards had been carved and painted. The lands of Crypt were haunted in the night as the living restless-dead awakened from their sleep and sought to satisfy their thirst for revenge.

The Temple of Crypt wasn?t perfect. Although its priests and necromancers were taught its strict rules from when they were children, there were still the very few who?d run away and become ambitious, where it bordered insanity. Such necromancers were to be hunted down and killed, yet they never left the world without scarring it one way or the other. Whatever the case they always left undead who couldn?t easily be given rest, Daniel had ordered these undead to be imprisoned within the forests of his kingdom so they wouldn?t harm anyone else and to ensure they didn't harm his own people, magical wards were painted on every road, wall and independent house.

?Our work is given little acknowledgement, milord,? Captain Sammuel ?Kain? commented. Kain was the Captain of the Grim Reaper Knights, the elite soldiers of Crypt.
?Our holy Texts never asked for acknowledgement nor understanding,? Daniel answered as he watched the necromancers finish painting the wards, they?d last another decade before they?d need repainting. ?We do what others will not. If we didn?t, every field, city and sewer would-?
?End up like the infested nest of the Orcus cultists.? Kain said synchronically. ?I know the holy Texts as well as you do, but what they?ve missed is the fact that humans move on. Look at every other kingdom and Empire; armed with muskets, canons and what not. The Temple of Crypt may guard the forbidden knowledge of the past, but we will never stop humans from ripping each others throats out.?

Daniel sighed. Kain was right, even with the wisdom of thousands of years behind him, Daniel had seen the same events unfold time after time, and at every conflict he had stood passively and watched as men had killed men, waiting only with a shovel to bury the dead.
?It may be so but we are not to determine the fate of mankind.?
?But we can determine whether or not the dead are allowed to rest in their graves,? Kain sneered.
?You know as well as I, that there are no spirits bound within the body of the Undead. They-?
?We demand their bodies to be mutilated further than what decay does. Does that not clash with the Crypt?s Ethics??
Daniel fell silent. It was true, many of the doctrines and ethical codes clashed, yet they were based on idealism not realism. The ethics demanded that the services of the priests are not to be charged, yet every temple outside of the Theocratic Kingdom of Archious demanded money one way or the other to pay taxes, payment, restocking supplies, and so on.

?I know how frustrating it is when your work is overlooked, taken for granted and when you?re expected to clean up the messes of others,? Daniel finally said, taking Kain by surprise. ?I?ve been there too. When I first became Crypt?s avatar, I dreamed that I?d build an Empire who would worship him as much as you and I. Yet, Crypt never gave me his blessings to go forth and win wars and take land, instead he asked me to put down my sword and shovel and go to an ancient field.
?There I saw bodies scattered. Orc and man alike, both decaying making ot near impossible to tell race apart. Crypt then told me, ?were I not to do my duties and pay my respect to the dead as I did to the living, this is what would happen. Heroes would never be known, those who died would be unsung and the married would never know whether their husband would come home.?
?Kain, ambition and realism is what drives every other kingdom and empire forward, but who will look after those they leave behind? We move at out own pace, saving those we meet along the way.?

Kain bowed before this. ?I understand,? he replied humbly.

With the wards repainted, the men headed back for Hedes.


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Sunday, December 25, 2011

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Homemade Christmas Gift Ideas: Last-Minute, Eco-Friendly Guide (PHOTOS)

Cut out some cardboard from a box and make your own board game! Be creative, have fun, and create a personalized version of any old favorite. Use recycled paper to make cards and create questions based on family memories. This gift can be homemade, personal and long-lasting.


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Friday, December 23, 2011

Philippines buries dead, rebuilds after deadly storm (Reuters)

ILIGAN, Philippines (Reuters) ? Residents of two southern Philippine cities battered by a storm that left over 1,000 people dead and displaced hundreds of thousands started the hard work of reclaiming their lives as authorities buried dozens of bodies in concrete vaults on Wednesday.

The head of the national disaster agency, Benito Ramos, said 1,002 people were killed and dozens more remained unaccounted for on Mindanao island after landslides, flash floods, and falling logs triggered by typhoon Washi swept aside homes and roads as people slept in the early hours of Saturday.

"We have no other place to go but to our old homes," a woman who only gave her name as Marina told local ANC television, saying the evacuation centers were too crowded for her family.

"We have to get on with our lives, rebuild our house and forget this tragedy. We appeal to the kindhearted to give us lumber and galvanized iron so we can build a new home."

Washi was one of the deadlist typhoons to hit the country since 2008 when Fengshen killed 938 in the central Philippines, according to the national disaster agency. The worst typhoon was Thelma which struck Ormoc City on central island of Leyte in 1991, causing flash floods that killed more than 5,000 people.

Most of Washi's casualties were in the cities of Cagayan de Oro and Iligan, with more than 275,000 people homeless, many now sheltering in dozens of evacuation areas.

Some of the displaced headed back to their villages to reclaim their lives and rebuild destroyed houses on Wednesday. Television footage showed residents shoveling mud, washing furniture and hanging clothes to dry under the sun.

Washi brought more than 180mm (7 inches) of rainfall over a 24-hour period over northern Mindanao, more than the average of 113 mm (4.5 inches) for an entire December month in the area, Rosalina de Guzman of the weather bureau's climate data office told Reuters.

It was the worst typhoon in northern Mindanao in more than 50 years, or since November 1958 when 227 mm (9 inches) of rain fell, de Guzman said.


Some of the displaced spent the night on sidewalks due to overcrowding in schools, churches, gymnasiums and army bases, raising public health concerns due to poor sanitation and lack of potable water.

Nestor dela Cruz, whose two-storey house was swept to the sea, appealed to the government to relocate his family and his neighbors to a safer place. About 70 percent of houses in his village were either destroyed or badly damaged.

"We're returning to our village, but, we would welcome help from the government if they can give us land and build us new houses."

Benito Ramos, a retired general and head of the national disaster agency, said it may take time to build new communities for the displaced as they focus on search, relief and recovery operations.

"Core shelters may take time to build because of the requirements involved," Ramos told a radio interview. "There are environmental clearances to secure and you have to show the locations is not prone to floods or landslides."

Interior Secretary Jesse Robredo said the president gave officials at least 50 million pesos ($1.14 million) to begin building new houses in the two cities.


City officials in Iligan continued to bury drowning victims, many of them in a decomposing state, in newly-built concrete crypts at a public cemetery.

A Reuters photographer saw bodies of one family lying in coffins built from logs that destroyed homes during the flood being pushed inside one crypt in Iligan city. About 50 bodies were buried late on Tuesday and dozens more were buried on Wednesday.

Officials in nearby Cagayan de Oro delayed mass burial to allow police to tag for identification more than 600 bodies recovered.

On Tuesday, Aquino declared a state of national calamity and ordered an investigation into the disaster. He said Manila would use more than 1 billion pesos ($22.79 million) in calamity funds and soft loans from multilateral lending agencies such as the World Bank for reconstruction.

The disaster agency said nearly 1 billion pesos worth of infrastructure, schools and hospitals were destroyed in floods. The Agriculture department said more than 15 million pesos worth of crops, mostly rice and corn, were damaged.

($1 = 43.8750 Philippine pesos)

(Writing By Manuel Mogato; Editing By Rosemarie Francisco)


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Tuesday morning knockout: Capoeira kick from Brazil

Our friends at Yahoo! Sports Brazil shared a knockout that will undoubtedly start your day off well, unless your name is Francisco Neves.

Cairo Rocha used this capoeira-inspired kick at the Brazilian Fighting Championships in Sao Paolo on Friday. He has three wins in 2011. All three are first-round stoppages, with two submissions before this knockout.


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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Japan releases 40-year nuke plant cleanup plan (AP)

TOKYO ? Japan released a lengthy roadmap Wednesday to clean up and fully decommission a nuclear plant that went into meltdown after it was struck by a huge tsunami, a process the government said would take as many as 40 years.

Nuclear crisis minister Goshi Hosono acknowledged that decommissioning three wrecked reactors plus spent fuel rods at the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant was an "unprecedented project," and that the process was not "totally foreseeable."

"But we must do it even though we may face difficulties along the way," Hosono told a news conference.

Trade Minister Yukio Edano promised that authorities would move through the process "firmly while ensuring safety at the plant."

He also vowed to pay attention to the concerns of tens of thousands of residents displaced when the plant was knocked out by Japan's March 11 earthquake and tsunami, spawning the world's worst nuclear crisis since the Chernobyl accident in 1986.

Under the plan, approved earlier Wednesday following consultation with experts and nuclear regulators, plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co. will start removing spent fuel rods within two years from their pools located on the top floor of each of their reactor buildings.

After that is completed, TEPCO will start removing the melted fuel, most of which is believed to have fallen to the bottom of the core or even down to the bottom of the larger, beaker-shaped containment vessel, a process that is expected to be completed 25 years from now. The location and conditions of the melted fuel is not exactly known.

Completely decommissioning the plant would require five to 10 more years after the fuel debris removal, making the entire process up to 40 years, according to the roadmap.

The process still requires development of robots and technology that can do much of the work remotely because of extremely high radiation levels inside the reactor buildings. Officials say they are aiming to have such robots by 2013 and start decontaminating the reactor buildings in 2014.

They also have to figure out ways to access each containment vessel and assess the extent of damage, as well as locate holes and cracks through which cooling water is leaking and flooding the area.

The decades-long process also would place an enormous financial burden on TEPCO. The ministers said that the total cost estimate cannot be provided immediately, but promised that there will be no delay because of financial reasons.

Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda announced last Friday that the plant has achieved "cold shutdown conditions," meaning the plant had been brought to stability in the nine months since the accident.

The announcement officially paves the way for a new phase that will eventually allow some evacuees back to less-contaminated areas currently off limits.

Experts say the plant 140 miles (230 kilometers) northeast of Tokyo is running with makeshift equipment and remains vulnerable to cold weather and earthquakes.


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Monday, December 19, 2011

Learn Which Are the Most Fashionable Finance Courses Obtainable ...

Posted by publisher on December 18th, 2011

Many educational institutions today present the Masters in Finance instead within the construction of the Grasp of enterprise administration plan. Universities of enterprise normally have many facets of focus to pick out from within the 2nd 12 months of a 2 12 months, full time Grasp of enterprise administration training program. In many faculties essentially the most used course for the Grasp of enterprise administration is Finance. The variety of schools listed under all embody finance as an Grasp of enterprise administration selection and most often present additional graduate diploma choices for courses related to finance, either within the context of enterprise operations or as an analytical occupation. A number of educational institutions present a Masters in Financial Maths for people interested within the difficulties of statistics or in an Expert diploma program that focuses on the expertise of enterprise finance. The schools listed under all have stage applications created for career development within the commercial world Online masters finance.

New England University of Business and Finance was founded in 1909. By the years it has advanced from a finance training organization to a total fledged diploma allowing university licensed by the New England Affiliation of Colleges. The university provides a robust background in educating future specialists within the banking and finance sectors.

Baker Faculty provides the net Grasp of enterprise administration in Finance with a course that has 33 credit score hours devoted to enterprise studies and an additional 20 credit score hours for lessons within the finance expertise. Among the many enterprise predominant applications are lessons in Investigation & Stats for Managers, Accounting for the Modern Supervisor and Administration Information Methods, so the analytic instruments in addition to IT needs for a Masters in Finance are included within the 1st part of the course.

University of Liverpool has entered within the worldwide on-line training space with its on-line Grasp of enterprise administration course. For the reason that program was licensed by the European Basis for Administration Improvement it has created a scholar body utilized by greater than one hundred seventy five countries. The Grasp of enterprise administration in Finance and Accounting is provided in modules, with every module composed of lessons that develop in difficulty. The University affords e-books or printed books for free. Finance modules include Funding Techniques, Financial Reporting, Business Finance and also Advanced Managing Accounting.

Northeastern University provides a Grasp of enterprise administration in Finance on-line by its Training of Business. This space handles mergers and acquisitions, certification, joint initiatives, and IPOs from a managing point of view. There?s also a Grasp of enterprise administration in Entrepreneurship that includes many of those sophisticated programs. Moreover Northeastern provides an online Grasp in Finance that concentrates fully on the difficulties of accounting and finance, and world finance constructions for worldwide businesses.

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

SOPA Delayed ? But Not For Long

protect_ip_21The extremely unpopular SOPA bill was supposed to be the last order of business today as the House Judiciary Committee prepared to break for the holidays, but a parade of objections and amendments (over 50) kept the bill in discussion and at last the committee adjourned without resolving the issues. What was expected in this contingency was for the committee to resume work whenever the House reconvenes in January. After all, with such controversial and far-reaching legislation, it is better to take one's time. But no: the committee has announced it will continue markup this coming Wednesday, the 21st of December.


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Friday, December 16, 2011

Report: half of schools fail federal standards

ATLANTA (AP) ? Nearly half of America's public schools didn't meet federal achievement standards this year, marking the largest failure rate since the much-criticized No Child Left Behind Law took effect a decade ago, according to a national report released Thursday.

The Center on Education Policy report shows more than 43,000 schools ? or 48 percent ? did not make "adequate yearly progress" this year. The failure rates range from a low of 11 percent in Wisconsin to a high of 89 percent in Florida.

The findings are far below the 82 percent failure rate that Education Secretary Arne Duncan predicted earlier this year but still indicate an alarming trend that Duncan hopes to address by granting states relief from the federal law. The law requires states to have every student performing at grade level in math and reading by 2014, which most educators agree is an impossible goal.

"Whether it's 50 percent, 80 percent or 100 percent of schools being incorrectly labeled as failing, one thing is clear: No Child Left Behind is broken," Duncan said in a statement Wednesday. "That's why we're moving forward with giving states flexibility from the law in exchange for reforms that protect children and drive student success."

State's scores varied wildly. For example, in Georgia, 27 percent of schools did not meet targets, compared to 81 percent in Massachusetts and 16 percent in Kansas.

That's because some states have harder tests or have high numbers of immigrant and low-income children, center officials said. It's also because the law requires states to raise the bar each year for how many children must pass the test, and some states put off the largest increase until this year to avoid sanctions.

The numbers indicate what federal officials have been saying for more than a year ? that the law, which is four years overdue for a rewrite, is "too crude a measure" to accurately depict what's happening in schools, said Jack Jennings, president of the Washington, D.C.-based center. An overhaul of the law has become mired in the partisan atmosphere in Congress, with lawmakers disagreeing over how to fix it.

"No Child Left Behind is defective," Jennings told The Associated Press. "It needs to be changed. If Congress can't do it, then the administration is right to move ahead with waivers."

Waivers fix the immediate problem but likely will make it much more difficult for parents to understand how schools are rated because progress will no longer be based on just one test score.

Under the 11 waivers already filed, states are asking to use a variety of factors to determine whether they pass muster and to choose how schools will be punished if they don't improve.

Those factors range from including college-entrance exam scores to adding the performance of students on Advanced Placement tests.

At least 39 states, plus Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico, have said they will file waivers, though it is unclear how many will get approved.

Republicans in Congress say Duncan and President Barack Obama are using the waivers to push a "backdoor education agenda" that will ultimately let schools off the hook.

"The law needs to be fixed and it needs to be fixed in Congress and not by executive action," House education committee Chairman John Kline, a Republican from Minnesota, said in September after Obama announced the waivers.

Under No Child Left Behind, states that have tough standards are punished and schools that make progress but don't hit benchmarks get treated the same as schools that see performance dip, Jennings said.

"A lot of educators saw the weaknesses in No Child Left Behind even when it was rolled out ? that this day and time would come," said Georgia schools Superintendent John Barge. "It's kind of a train wreck that we all see happening."


Follow Dorie Turner on Twitter at .

Associated Press


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