Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Kevin Padrick - Obsidian Finance Group. Crystal Cox Dedicated to ...

Judge Randall Dunn, appointed?Kevin Padrick?of?Obsidian Finance Group?as the Trustee in the ?Summit Bankruptcy, I believe, in order to help?PacifiCorp?and?Portland General Electric, as well as many others, in making millions from Solar Tax Credit Deals, Solar Funds, and other connections, affiliation and conflicts of interest in which Judge Dunn seemed to have Ulterior Motive.

It seemed that during the Hearing regarding Kevin Padrick as Trustee,?Stephanie Studebaker DeYoung?was heard telling?Judge Randall Dunn that there was a conflict of interest.

She spoke of the fact that Kevin Padrick was hired?by Summit ( the ones going bankrupt).?Judge Randall Dunn, in the hearing, simply says he did not approve the pay for Obsidian Finance Group yet, so they were not hired seemingly. Yet weeks later?Judge Randall Dunn did approve that $100,000 bill where by Obsidian Finance Group was indeed hired by and paid by, their clients, Summit.?Kevin Padrick of Obsidian Finance Group was an Insider and?Judge Randall Dunn knew this, period.

You can listen to this hearing by going to the link below and clicking the top left where it says "February 11th Judge Dunn Hearing Audio"

You may think that?Judge Randall Dunn, as a?Bankruptcy Judge?cannot and did not appoint a?"Trustee". However, as you listen close you see that?Judge Randall Dunn SUGGESTS, Forces?the US Trustee Attorney,?M. Vivienne Popperl,?to appoint?Kevin Padrick of Obsidian Finance Group as Trustee. The US Trustee Attorney acts like it's the Trustee office's decision, though it is against the Creditors best interest, the US Trustee knowingly appoints obvious?INSIDER?Kevin Padrick of Obsidian Finance Group as Trustee.

Bankruptcy Codes regarding Insiders are not legally allowed to be a Trustee.

There are insider emails between the US Trustee Office and attorneys involved in the case that discuss the fact that appointing a Trustee is NOT in the Best Interest of the Creditors, Period.?Yet a Trustee was appointed anyway, why??

See, these are the biggest law firms in Portland that are involved: ?Sussman Shank, Perkins Coie, Tonkon Torp?and?Miller Nash. They are all connected, conflicted and protect each others lies, corruption and unethical behavior.

There were also millions of dollars of land deals, solar deals and much more going on at this same time involving?Obsidian Finance Group and their many Solar Companies?they set up to get Free Assets. See a?Solar Tax Credit, such as the ones that?Obsidian Finance Group ( David Brown and Kevin Padrick) got for FREE, these become assets. You can get loans on these tax credits, buy and sell these tax credits and they were worth millions on top of millions.

Obsidian Finance Group?greedily applied for too many, they set up fake Solar Companies, tons of DBA's with the Help of Miller Nash Law Firm, in order to get 10 Million per Company in Solar Tax Credits. ?The?State of Oregon?said whoa, and put a stop to that to an extent. ?Serial Plaintiff's?Obsidian Finance Group SUED the State of Oregon to ensure their Free Money.

?Also, in suing the State of Oregon, this also created a Public Figure status as your Tax Dollars were involved.

These Solar Tax Credits later used to create loans and to build?the Black Cap Solar Project, the Outback Solar?project and many other high profile, high dollar Solar Projects.

In the year that?Obsidian Finance Group?claims to have lost millions regarding Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox as well as Summit Insider and Whistle Blower Stephanie Studebaker DeYoung exposing the details of the Summit Bankruptcy, Obsidian signed wattage contracts with PacifiCorp (Michael Dunn, Possible Relation to Judge Randall Dunn)?for millions regarding the Black Cap Solar Project?and has since signed agreements for millions a year with Portland General Electric.

Pamela Griffith?was the?US Trustee?whom was paid by your tax dollars to make sure that?Kevin Padrick of Obsidian Finance Group as Trustee, with all these victims assets and quality of life in his hands alone, was acting with integrity and with the highest fiduciary duty.??US Trustee Robert D. Miller Jr.?was to over see the action of?US Trustee?Pamela Griffith?to make sure that she was overseeing Kevin Padrick in this Trustee Position.

Pamela Griffith?US Trustee?used to work for and with Leon Simson of Tonkon Torp Law Firm whom made millions from the Summit Bankruptcy and continues to make money from Obsidian Finance Group legal work.?Pamela Griffith?US Trustee also worked with Kevin Padrick, formerly a Miller Nash Attorney. ?This little?financial 3 way was NOT in the best interest of the Creditors.?Judge Randall Dunn?REFUSED to listen to Whistle Blower Stephanie DeYoung regarding this matter. And in fact David Aman, Attorney for Tonkon Torp representing Trustee Kevin Padrick, and Kevin Padrick himself did all they could to silence this woman, this mother, this whistle blower. They pressed criminal charges fraudulently regarding a video of a public meeting being posted on her blog, they whined to the?Bend Oregon DA?to try and shut down her blog exposing them. And they conspired to wrongfully imprison this whistle blower to keep her from talking to Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox. One of the documented agreements for her release was that she did not speak to?Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox.?Does that sound like a legal mental condition? It's not and Cascade Medical Center will soon face criminal complaints in this regard and buddies Kevin Padrick and David Aman, along with ex-board member of Cascade Health, Patricia Whittington VP of Obsidian Finance Group, will soon face HIPAA violation legal actions.

More Regarding?Pamela Griffith's Serious, Illegal Conflict?of Interest in Appointing Kevin Padrick as the Trustee in the Summit Bankruptcy.

Links to Videos posted By Whistle Blower Stephanie Deyoung in which she was set up on?fraudulently.

These are Videos of?Kevin Padrick, Obsidian Finance Group?advising Summit, BEFORE he used their spreadsheets, data, private information against them as the Bankruptcy Trustee on the Opposite Side of this Legal Case as their own client. After signing a contract and billing Summit for $100,000. (Kevin Padrick is the Far Right, Back)

Once?Kevin Padrick?of Obsidian Finance Group became Trustee, he held up real estate deals, seized bank accounts and sure seemed to stop all the progress previously made by Terry Vance, CFO who was already working with Summit to liquidate and get the Creditors PAID.?Kevin Padrick of Obsidian Finance Group as Trustee, in his Greed to make deals that benefit him and others at Obsidian, stopped the wheels of justice and thereby directly hurt the creditors.

Also keep in mind ?Annie Buell, who was a Creditor and spoke the New York Times against Blogger Crystal Cox, was on the Creditors Commitee on behalf of the Tennant Family. They sued in order to get paid ahead of the other creditors and they seem to have made some deal with Kevin Padrick, the Trustee in order to get what they wanted. So yes I exposed Annie Buell, and David Carr of the New York Times, who seems to be unable to READ, well he took her at her word and wrote about how happy the Creditors were with Kevin Padrick as Trustee.

Kevin Padrick, as Trustee was still raking in a Pay Check as the SUMMIT Bankruptcy Trustee after the Obsidian V. Cox Trial. Which you can see in the Summit Bankruptcy Court Dockets on Pacer.

Kevin Padrick and Obsidian Finance Group have a Pattern and History?at bullying companies, landowners and at having Object to their Fees filed in bankruptcy cases. Yet, Judge Marco Hernandez and David W. Brown of Obsidian say that I,?Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox?am the only one that has ever spoke negative regarding Obsidian Finance Group. This is simply NOT TRUE, not based in Fact What So ever. More on this later, if your interested now you can research Homestreet Bank and the Cascadia Bankruptcy, Longview Fiber, Lakeview County Concerned Citizens and start there.

Post Research Links
Regarding the State of Oregon and the Solar Tax Credit Scam of Obsidian Finance Group

Obsidian Finance Group David W. Brown,?Lied under Oath, Perjured himself if you will

Tonkon Torp Attorney David Aman?deposed whistle blower Stephanie DeYoung regarding?investigative blogger Crystal L. Cox?3 years before he represented Kevin Padrick in suing investigative blogger Crystal L. Cox. ?David Aman knew where the information came from, and was involved in the Summit Bankruptcy himself.

August 25th 2009, David Aman Deposes Insider, Whistle Blower Stephanie DeYoung

Tonkon Torp Attorney David Aman was part of the Corruption that Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox was exposing in the Summit Bankruptcy and SHOULD not have been the Attorney suing her, crying defamation when he knew the facts.

A Bit More Regarding?Obsidian Finance Group VP Patricia Whittington

More On the Summit 1031 Bankruptcy

Homestreet Bank Objection to the Fees Showing Pattern and History

Kevin Padrick, Obsidian Finance Group PERJURY

Posted Here Proudly and Truthfully By
Altruistic?Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox


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