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Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Plague?. Anything posted here will also show up there.
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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Plague"
You may edit this first post as you see fit.

Neman Fox Jr - Member for 0 years
This seems really interesting, would it be alright if I made a priest with some fighting training. It would probably be based around him training to be a knight then he saw something gruesome to turn him to the path of the church.

JimmyTheRat - Member for 0 years
Yep, that sounds pretty good. I'm not really going to throw people away right and left with characters. I'm hoping to create a nice flowing story is all.

Neman Fox Jr - Member for 0 years
So this sounds interesting, but i have one question......people can just kill your character without asking you??? o_O
I mean i've been in RP's before where RPers can die, but people usually have to ask the other person before they can just kill their character, or if someone doesn't post in the RP for like three or four days, THEN their character is fair game to be killed off by the GM unless they message the GM...or something like that.......ya know!?

I'm a Radical Dame! - Member for 1 years
No... You have the chance to be killed off through story progression. But, a character controlled by someone who's posting cannot outright kill you. You can have conflicts that end in a fight and such, but character death will not be the result of someone typing in that they sneak up behind you and kill you. I'll even add that into the rules so there is no confusion. Thanks for bringing this up. I understand how that may have come off like that.

Neman Fox Jr - Member for 0 years
Mmkay! Just wanted to make sure people couldn't go crazy and kill whoever they wanted
I'll make a CS!
First though, do you want to post a character skeleton? Or do you want us to just create a CS according to our own skeleton?? =D

I'm a Radical Dame! - Member for 1 years
I think it's better if you apply to the character what you think is appropriate, you know? Make the character your own. There aren't any definitive qualities that a person does or doesn't need in the story to make it feel real.

Neman Fox Jr - Member for 0 years
Gimmie a few roomie is talking a mile a minute over my yeah, i probably won't be able to focus until we stop talking and she leaves for her room or something haha. [<3 her though......of course! lol]

I'm a Radical Dame! - Member for 1 years
hahaha... Take your time. There is no rush when it comes to creating an engaging story.

Neman Fox Jr - Member for 0 years
This sounds good mate creating a charater now
Is it ok to put pictures in the character sheet (it will be artwork not real or anime) and are we a small band of survivors that sticks together or are we all by ourselves fighting eachother and monsters?

Santii - Member for 0 years
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