Monday, November 19, 2012

Are You Constantly Thinking You Want To Earn Online?

Pathway To Success
Irena Whitfield, the Internet Business Consultant You Need If You Want to Succeed In Business Online! Published since 2000?????Publisher Irena Whitfield

Volume 12, Issue No 23, Circulation: under revision, 18th Nov 2012
Next Issue: 2nd Dec 2012

With 'Pathway To Success' you are receiving only top information, reliable and proven resources vital for your online home business success and profitability, never anything just to make a couple of dollars at your expense. However, to make full use of the resources, get fast ahead of your competition and have your business and profits grow, you should read, apply and follow the information you receive.

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Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell em,
Certainly I can! Then get busy and find out how to do it.

Theodore Roosevelt


Happy publishing Sunday, my loyal Readers! Winner - TopRank Reader Poll

Today, I'd love to tell you about an excellent promo oppportunity for any business owner: Contribute to the eNotes Blog

Her I'll give you their basic Guest Post Criteria:

1. We are looking for engaging articles aimed at teachers, students, or anyone who just likes to learn. They can be plain informative or have a sense of humor, but preferably were looking for innovative guides to instructing and learning. Articles could range anywhere from Tips on Teaching with the iPad to 7 Ways American Idol Can Help You Study. Be creative!

2. Articles must be 500-1000 words in length.

3. If you use sources, please provide links to them.

4. Wed like posts that are well-written and relatively free of spelling and grammatical errors (we will proofread before publishing, but the fewer errors, the better).

5. All content must be original and free of plagiarism.

6. If we do not publish your submission, you are welcome to try again with a different topic. For ideas on what we typically look for, you might want to browse through our most recent posts.

Please email all submissions to with the subject line Guest Blog Post.

Check it for yourself by clicking here.

Plus as a valued subscriber, you can get a new toolbar of mine by clicking here.

Enjoy and stay tuned, your Pathway To Success is back in 14 days...

Irena Whitfield Sincerely,

Irena Whitfield
Your Publisher

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Any purchase from one of my websites qualifies you for the Bonus. It's sufficient to send me your purchase receipt to sales at put 'Sales Bonus' in the Subject line and your purchase receipt no in the body.

Today's Special Free Reading Bonus:
8 Keys to Financial Security! Knight Kiplinger shares fundamental lessons for achieving your financial success. Click here.

  • Today's Feature Article
  • The World's 10 Best Stocks
    Kathy Kristof

    As economies the world over struggle to keep their footing, the U.S. dollar has emerged once again as a safe haven in the storm. A strong greenback is a plus for domestically oriented companies that dont have to fight the headwinds of declining currency values abroad. And it helps to explain why nine of our 10 picks for the worlds greatest stocks in 2012 are companies that are based in the U.S. but are also competitive in the international market.

    We asked seasoned investment pros for their selections of companies best positioned to grow and prosper for years, if not decades, to come. Based on our reporting and analysis, here are 10 of the best stocks for investors to consider...

    Learn them all by clicking here.

    For more Investment Basics, click here: 100 Top Money-Saving Tips: Get expert advice on how to save and make more money this year with our new iPad app. Plus: Test Your Investing Instincts, Measure Your Risk Tolerance, 5 Steps to Start Investing.... Click here.

  • Today's Tips
  • Today's Tip On the Opportunity Worth Checking

    Know How to Write?
    Use Your Free Asset Valuable for Any Author

    Today, every author needs a blog. A connection online where you can post short pieces of your writing, whenever you want.

    With a blog, you are in control, you can start a two way conversation with readers and get unlimited free publicity.

    If you don't have a blog. Start one today.

    If you do blog, take a look at how often you blog. MOST authors I work with get busy and put this off.. BIG MISTAKE

    Here's How To Get Publicity:

    1. Make sure you allow comments and answer those comments

    2. Attach a mailing list form to your blog. Give a gift for those signing up and build your following.

    3. Learn the power of GUEST BLOGGING.

    Guest blog posts can help in two ways. You can reach new audiances with a short post on someone else's blog, and you can attract authors and bloggers along with their followings by allowing gust posts on your blog.

    This is why all the top blogs and most best selling authors are using guest posts today.

    There are special blog plugins and systems for handling guest posts, but you don't need those to get started. The posts can be submitted via email and simply copied into your blog. Just make sure there is one link back to the author's own blog (both on posts your write, and guest posts you accept)

    One more tip.. Make sure you include photos. Your photo for the bio, and a attention getting photo for the readers.

    Guest blogging Opportunities

    I have room for guest posts from authors writing about subjects for women. We place your post on the high traffic magazine blog and promote it in our Facebook app that reaches millions.

    If your topic is of interest to women, go to VIV Guest Blogger Program to apply to be a guest blogger.

    We will also be accepting posts about self growth and personal development, health and fitness and topics for authors and bloggers in the next month. Watch for emails from me.

    Do You Need a Guest Post?

    If your blog needs a post about blogging, social media, publishing or online promotion, let me know. I can supply a post and will tell my network about it to get you some promotion.

    Start guest blogging. There's really no excuse. You can have a new post done in minute.. and there's no cost. Get writing now!

    When you go to and join, you'll be part of a free program that gives gifts for sharing. You may not want to play for the prizes, but I suggest you take a look around and give it a try. This type of "gamification" is going to be a big part of future media and publishing and it's a good way to see the future in just a few minutes. Click here.

    Today's Tip On the Tool Worth Getting

    Good Additional Income!

    Make cash with your Mobile Phone!

    165,000 people are now on a monthly 4G cell phone plan that offers unlimited data, voice and text, for $0 a month!

    See how it's possible. Click here.

    Today's Special Tip

    Need Business Knowledge? Share ideas! Get things done!
    Use Evernote!

    Evernote Business gives employees the tools they need to save and find everything that matters in their day-to-day lives, while also providing the centralized management features businesses require.

    Learn how to get started with Evernote Business and discover how other businesses are using Evernote in their Businesses. Click here.

    Join Illuminati!

    In this Issue
    click the headlines below or scroll

    Featured Article
    The World's 10 Best Stocks Kathy Kristof

    Today's Tips

    Our Sponsor
    Free 5 Day Ultimate Email Marketing Boot Camp
    Discover how Elite Marketers easily attract huge amounts of new buyers. Start seeing higher conversions now! Click here

    Links ?

    A warm welcome to all our new subscribers, I believe you will enjoy getting our Ezine, reading it and making use of its content in your lives and business, and wish you all the success you want for yourselves. Whether you're looking for help, a working, successful co-operation or information, we are here to help you to get where you want to get.

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    What's New

    HOT: Business TV on!
    Now $1m team is here to boost literally any business to new heights and profits, 1,000s of top shows by real experts with new shows added every day. See what such a team can do to your home business. Plus check the Million Dollar Challenge! Click here:

    ** 1st Nov: Subscriber Corner: Subscriber Article: Investing in Forex by Joe Clinton
    Guest Article: My Social Media Internet Marketing Strategy by Matt Carter
    Click here!

    Note: Please let me know what you like and what you don't, so I can make it better next time. Thank you. iwhitfield at

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