Saturday, September 8, 2012

Steam Apprentice

Steam Apprentice

In a small town named Rasparea, people are rather poor and dream of a better life. Many leave for the city but in hope of having their children have a better life, they send their children to become apprentices of a zany inventor.


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Member for 3 years

This sounds like fun. May I reserve a spot?

Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of Irony- Morpheous 'The Matrix'

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Member for 4 years

No need to reserve a spot. There are enough spots free.

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Member for 3 years

Oh, man, I love steampunk. My favorite type of steampunk roleplays are mostly mobile ones that battle can occur in, like Pirate/Steampunk ones, but also I like ones with Magic as well.

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